
Wednesday, October 13, 2010


I am pleased to say that I am blessed with so many great friends, both those that I have met and those that I have never met, but feel like I know so well. Those friends would be my "boardies" - my iVillage friends. I have been part of iVillage for many years. There is so much information and articles there, as well as some awesome messageboards. I started out on the TTC (Trying To Conceive) messageboard and eventually found the TTCYFC (Trying To Conceive Your First Child) messageboard once I realized it was there. I made some wonderful friends on both boards. Alex was the first person I "met" on the boards and she struggled with having children as well. She is now the proud mother to twins, Libby & Sawyer. I am absolutely ecstatic for her! Diana, Kim, Leslie, Amber, Christina, Gina, Cristin, Erin, April, Kim, Karen, and so many others I met while on these boards. Some have "graduated", some have not yet, and some have adopted. I feel as those these girls are my "sisters". I can talk to them about things that are TMI (Too Much Info) and vent to them about things, whether it is TTC related or marriage related or just life in general. I am now part of the Adoption messageboard since Jeff & I have begun the adoption process. It is great to "meet" others who have gone through the process or are in the process. They can be a wealth of information!

A few weeks ago I got a package in the mail. When I saw the return address, I immediately had tears in my eyes. It was a package from The Vintage Pearl. Inside the package was this necklace. My absolutely AMAZING friend Christina had told me about this necklace a few weeks prior and she said she thought of me when she saw it. It was something I definitely wanted to order when I saw it and I was going to save the money to purchase it. When the package arrived and I saw where it was from, I realized then and there, I have one of the most amazing women as my friend. Christina is a "grad" of the TTCYFC6+ (Trying to Conceive Your First Child 6+ months) messageboard and was always a great support system. Well..She still is an amazing support system! She is a loving momma to Ella and wife to Derrick. She is one of the best things that has happened in my life. How could she not be. She thinks of others before thinking of herself. Christina knew how much I wanted this necklace, and even though she shouldn't have, she spent HER money and purchased it for ME. Totally unnecessary but Totally appreciated. I LOVE my boardie sisters and I will treasure their friendship forever. 

So this necklace is called the "Hope for Orphans" necklace and profits from the necklace are going towards families that are adopting. What a wonderful cause and such a beautiful necklace. 

Thank you Christina! Thank you for being such a wonderful friend and "sister". You will never truly know how much I LOVE having you as my friend!


  1. way to make a girl tear up! You my dear are just as strong as a support for us all!

  2. Wow what a pretty necklace (and a great friend!)
