
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I'm a Blogger, I'm a Blogger :)

I have decided that I need to blog. A lot of my friends blog and a lot of companies blog. I need to put my thoughts down and share those thoughts with others. There may be times I say something that you may not agree with or that you whole heartedly agree with. There have been so many ups and downs in my life that I feel as if I put them down in writing I'll be able to become a better person.

Jeff & I have been married since January 22, 2005 and our family consists of the two of us and our two little (not so) kitties. Okay..well they are not kitties but they are OUR kitties, Jimmie Jay and Bubba Lou. They are our babies. When I walk in the door and Jimmie is waiting for me, I smile. I am not sure what I would do without our cats. They cuddle with us, protect us (pretend like they are anyways) and give us comfort when we don't feel well.

Jeff & I don't have any children yet, but we have two adorable nephews. Alex is 3 1/2 and Jayce is 1. We love them to infinity and beyond and would give them the world. They are our pride and joy and we love spending as much time with them as we can. We also have lots of "adopted" nieces and nephews, those of our friends. We know that one day we will have our own children, whether through adoption (which we are in the process of) or biologically. Either way is fine with us! We just want to be able to share our love with them!

This blog will be about my life in general, our journey through adoption, and any other ramblings. You will find that some days I will ramble on and some days you won't find a post from me at all. I am unemployed, looking for a job, and a student. I have time, but am crazy busy. I belong to a couple of student organizations through the school (Davenport University) and am trying to be as involved as possible so that I can network and become employed within a wonderful company. Jeff works retail and has thoughts about moving into management (at times) and once I am done with school, who knows where life will take us. We could stay in Michigan, head west towards the Rockies, or even overseas. We are focused on making a good future for our family.

I will share with you blogs I like, blogs I might not like and other sites that I think are great! I Facebook but spent entirely TOO much time on there, so one goal I have for myself is to disconnect for a few days, but only from Facebook. I still need my email for school and other stuff.

So that is me for now. I will blog again and talk more about our adoption journey. Happy Blogging!

1 comment:

  1. Yep love it so far! Welcome to the blogging world :o) Live Laugh Blog! Can't wait to read more!
